Thursday, June 23, 2011

kay to the po po po

"My friend's enemy is my enemy"-Slumdog Millionaire.

cherio! :D

Let just go straight to the point.
I wanna talk about this group of girls who needs life.SERIOUSLY SHIAT! so, why so?

First,they(or just one of them) talk about people A LOT! and you know what happen when you talk bad about people aite? ( 1 finger to them, 3 fingers at yourself).

And that is what actually happened.
I still remember the so-called-leader of that group status on fb.
"aku sik suka ompuan betudong bejalan2 dating pgg/cium dpn org ramei tok" or something liddat.

HAHAHA! but when you look at her(deleted?) photos, guess what?(oh yeah!). I don't even care that time cause i have no reason at all to hate/go against her or something.Just laugh laa ohh?

Last Wednesday, friendsssssss of mine who happens to be their ex-friends said something that's very disturbing.

Well,read this girl(s), I'm here to say something bad about your doings! :D
So, here's my KUTUK list :)

1.Hai! don't call people ucak please. you're an uchak (according to my who-is-ucak list). and as an uchak, u have no right to call peole uchak. wearing fake ray-ban with striking colour shawl and leggings in public? that's tha max in fact :D

2.You sounded desperate all the time. your fb statuses say it all. You sounded like you want the whole world to notice you. Desperado! and yeah! u!!( the other one) know yourself.yes u! u sounded desperate too then. very :)

3.You do things that you think it's cool, but it doesn't.And the way u display your interest is too much! you even change your education info to somewhere i think u can't never afford to go to. seriously. caliee tauk x??hehe

4.AND the thing that i hate about you(you girls) the most is, you're not that bold outside. I don't even know how your voice is(for a big talker). You guys talk with your fingers ( in fb ) and only with your mouth when you're around yourself.kesian.

5.AND as i know (i have trusted sources) your( you guys) fav past-time is to make fun of INNOCENT people. please laaa. key po u know :D you don't like, just keep it to yourself k?:D and some very racist words from ur filthy? mouth. shit you racist.

6.AND stop acting.Don't smile if u don't like us :) hypocrite :D

HAHAAHAH!ok.I'm done :D
and hey! I'm writing here on behalf of the rest :D so please,change! :D stop all the bad things :D I' am sure you girls gonna remove me soon , and surprisingly, I'am glad :D

k.bye :)

ps: The 3 fingers thing doesn't apply here.I'm not talking about you girls. I'm talking about your doings.

pss: Don't hate people,hate their attitude

psss: Jai HO HO HO HO liaw! :)

peace V

Sunday, June 19, 2011

happy bday!

im 19
im happy
good yeah?

k now.


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ya Dig?


It's 3 something and I'm still awake. yeahh. coffee.

So anyway,
The new batch of Pre-U Student registered few weeks back.
They looked happy at first, with new bags, shoes,cloth and all.
OH YEAH! they looked happy then.

Now, lets drag the timeline to last year!

Yeah~ i was happy too (sad actually, form 6 was my last choice)
New school, shirts, people.
It's Tuesday. Sounded "biasa" in other school,but there,It's 30-minutes-of-hell-morning.
Cultural shock?? yesssssssss! i never sit down with the whole school reading in silent for 30 minutes before. So, whaddaya expect?

And the rest of the time goes bla bla bla bla bla. (30 August<3)

NOW! let's drag the timeline forward.

Yeah~ I think I know the school already. The management and all , the problem inside out , who to trust , the good side , the bad side , the teachers and their problem , and for someones who judge , i meet an awful lots of new people. Most importantly, I learned how to survive in this controversial place ( thru hardwork baby).

and now! let's go to last week.

the harsh-est words came out of the boss's mouth soooo far.
and guess who "kenak"?
oh yes. them.

and now, i TER-saw some of them posted something on facebook about the incident (if I'm not mistaken). and some other problems too, involving the natives of the school ? (adaka?)

All i heard from one of them is most of them are leaving soon. * insertsadface*

So, my advice is:

1.Don't leave. Be firm. It's the best way to continue your degree too( if u did well in stp)

2. Stick together fellas. No one can bring you together.

3. Be somebody, or Nobody at all. Do/Be something/someone big! or don't even try (jgn alang2 laa).

4.Study. It will save your ass buddy :D ( ask me how :3 )

5.Do judge people. Don't trust ANYONE (teachers,Friends) easily.

6.Know what u wanna do.

7.Make sure u know why are you there.

8.Make friends.( from every classes or tingkatan) . or just stay under the radar :D

9.Jangan Kera Sumbang , tapi jgn macam tak pernah jumpa orang :)

10.Lastly, become the PENGAWAS (easy way out, trust me and ask me :D)

Soooooooooooo (ley so ley),

For those who decided to stay, Good Luck ( you'll need it ). You will learn , what life is like out there,here and this place is full with opportunities if you know how to find them. AND REMEMBER , DO WHATEVER YOU NEVER HAD CHANCE TO DO IN YOUR PREVIOUS SCHOOL.IT'S THE TIME TO PROVE TO YOURSELF THAT YOU CAN DO SOMETHING BIG.


ps: i sounded like an adult here*vommit*

pss: i rejected UPU . serious~

psss: do you know, adolf hitler is a gay?

pssss: HOLIDAY! :D

psssss: if it is meant to be,then it is up to me. :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Ponteng 101

Hi peeps!

I define ponteng as a act where u go out from your class without teachers permission or anything in that nature.(sneeking out,purposely late).
So why ponteng? I'm not trying to brag here, but ponteng-n-ing classes is just something I'm really good at! (in my old school of course).
AND! sadly, when i came to the new school, i can't practice this God-given-skill anymore *insertsadface*

WELL! at least that is what i thought when i first came in . Now, different story. Haha . But since mua is still controlled by the title AND the blazer , guess, I just havta wait .

SO! the other day, Valentine and mua go out during this one period , giving the teacher "we want to go "minum air" at water cooler " as our excuse. But, we went somewhere else of course. We talked about how "kesian" we are,to our schoolmate who doesnt know the true meaning of real PONTENG and of cos, the real pleasure of it . *we went "minum air" after that * .

Okay kids, now, ponteng is not easy, and to ponteng, you have to learn from the best. so, read up! and practice!

1. Be Creative.
-You just havta be creative . Without creativity, don't even dream to ponteng. Know Where u wanna go, What u wanna do . When ? How ? and of course with Who.

2. Excuse(s)
-OK THIS IS IMPORTANT! when u do something wrong, what u need is a strong excuse/excuses. Always make sure your excuses is strong! and it makes sense . You're trying to fool a teacher here. Come up with something that the teacher can't argue about. The best excuse ever is , you're helping another teacher with something. It always work, ALWAYS! BUT! make sure that you sell the right name. Don't give the teacher her bestfriend names . They will talk about it,then, kantoi? habis laa you . And do you know, in every school, there's at least one "stupid" teacher?? Use their existence fully!No one cares about them . Sell their name and YOU ARE SAVED!

3. Time
-Choose wisely. This is very crucial . Fearful teacher's period? NEVER! just stay in class . After recess?? Yes! Some teachers will never thought of you for not being in class. First period?? Coming late is okay ,but whole period? NO! the teacher will find u.

4. Duration
- Late is under 10 minutes. Nothing mush you can do in this period of time. When escaping, try to escape at least 20 minutes . And when u feel save , go for the whole period . One thing about ponteng is , DON'T ALANG ALANG. Just go for it . Whole day if u dare .

5. Partner In Crime
-NEVER ponteng by yourself. Bring your friend(s). Bring the whole class i you can . With friends you can have double the pleasure and of cos, when you're caught, you are not alone. And choose the one with lots of crazy ideas. Pleasure meter,to the top baby .

There you go!

And remember! The real pleasure of ponteng class is not that the fact that you are not in the class, and felt relieved that you don't have to face certain teachers. The real pleasure is the fear you feel in your bone and the pleasure you get when you do something while ponteng-ing.

So, bye! I'm outta here.

ps : this is just some of many tips to ponteng class . I can't share all . I havta preserved it . Ask me personally if you wanna know more . Or u can just try to ponteng , and learn from the experience.

pss : never ponteng?? please ponteng at least once . Ur missing out a lot there buddy.

psss : i drive car :)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

2 0 R A N D O M T H I N G S

what? i like question.
car have at least 4 tyres
facebook sucks.
birds can fly*and tweet ( *not twitter tweet,but tweet-tweet*)
pigs cant fly.
there are rapist in Miri :O
heavy metal is kinda ucak . KINDA .
kids is annoying.
too much of everything is not good.
ur not rich. ur parents are.
guitar commonly come with six strings.
Michael Jackson is black. *so sad*
school sucks.
mirror can reflect light.
u can call someone using ur phone.*and sms too*
all babies are cute, except for baby kailan.
Sarawak are also known as "pengayau mpu tanah" ohaa~*we chop heads*
human breath thru their nose.
torres can kick ball.
Kick-Ass, kickass! :)